APA 2015

Suicide : derniers écrits

Suicides : des aspects médico-légaux jusqu’aux derniers aspects thérapeutiques

Publié le : 01 Jul 2015

• Evidence-Based Psychopharmacology Algorithms to Guide Clinical Decisions for Treating Bipolar Disorder (Symposia Satuday Room 716 A-B) 1. Bipolar Depression Algorithm Part 1: Introduction and Discussion of Important Comorbidity and Initial Treatment Options ITW Dana Wang,

• Suicide: Epidemiology, Risk, Competency, and History of Prevention Techniques SCR Saturday Room 713 A-B) 2. The VISN 22 High Risk for Suicide Opioid Dashboard: An Information Technology Solution to Monitor Suicide Risk in Veterans Prescribed High-Dose Opioid Medications ITW Peter Hauser

• The Evolution of Mathematical Psychiatry: Implications for Bridging DSM-5 and Research Domain Criterias (RDoCs) Using Behavioral Game Theory Symposium Saturday Rooms 206 E-F) 3. Decision-Making and Suicidal Behavior ITW Fabrice Jollant

• Variables in How Suicide Impacts Treating Professionals: Level of Training, Type of Suicide, Notoriety of the Victim, and Threat of Malpractice Suit (Symposia Sunday Rooms 104 A-B) 1. The Aftermath of Suicide for the Treating Professional ITW Michael F. Myers

• A Preview of Breaking New Research on Suicide From the American Journal of Psychiatry (Room 801 B Sunday) ITW Nicholas Hoertel